Materi Ajar Narrative Text Kelas X SMA
Materi Pokok : Narrative Text
Kelas/Fase: X/E
Tujuan Pembelajaran:
Melalui model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) peserta didik diharapkan dapat mengidentifikasi konteks, gagasan utama, dan informasi rinci dari teks naratif lisan dan tulisan berbentuk cerita rakyat yang disajikan secara multimoda sesuai minat peserta didik dan menyajikan laporan analisisnya berdasarkan sikap rasa beriman, bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, bergotong royong, bernalar kritis, kreatif, inovatif, mandiri, berkebhinekaan global dalam kehidupan setiap hari.
Cermati teks berikut !
1. Read the text, and answer the following questions!
The Origin of the Land of Lempur
Once upon a time, in the kingdom of Pamuncak Tiga Kaum, ruled by three siblings— Pamuncak Rencong Talang, Pamuncak Tanjung Seri, and Pamuncak Koto Tapus. One day, the harvest in Pamuncak Rencong Talang was abundant, and the people celebrated with a harvest festival. However, Pamuncak Tanjung Seri did not receive an invitation, so the wife and their two children were sent as representatives.
In brief, they arrived in the land of Pamuncak Rencong Talang, where the festival lasted for three days and three nights. On the third night, the daughter of Pamuncak Tanjung Seri caught the attention of the young men. After the festivities ended the next morning, the mother called her daughter to go home.
However, the daughter ignored her mother's summons. When a young man asked her who the elderly woman calling her was, the daughter replied that the woman was her servant. Upon hearing this response, the mother's heart was wounded. During their journey home, they reached an area between Pulau Sangkar and Lolo, which was swampy and muddy.
The wife of Pamuncak Tanjung Seri then prayed to God, asking for her disobedient child to be swallowed by the muddy swamp. Her prayer was answered, and the daughter's foot got caught in the muddy swamp, causing her to drown. Despite her cries for help, neither her mother nor the guards responded. Before the daughter completely submerged, the mother managed to take off her bracelet and the Jambi scarf that adorned her. Eventually, the girl drowned entirely.
After the incident, the land was given the name Lempur, derived from the word "Lumpur" (mud). Meanwhile, the bracelet was thrown into a swamp, which became known as Tebat Gelang. Similarly, the Jambi scarf was discarded into another swamp, which became known as Tebat Jambi.
Cermati gambar berikut ini !
Look at these pictures! What do these picture tell you about?
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Cermati video berikut ini !
- Tata bahasa: simple past tense dan past continuous tense.
- Kalimat langsung dan tidak langsung.
- Kosakata: benda dan tindakan yang terkait dengan kehidupan tokoh cerita.
- Adverbia penghubung waktu: first, then, after that, before, at last, finally, dan sebagainya.
- Adverbia dan frasa preposisional penujuk waktu: a long time ago, one day,in themorning, the next day, immediately dan sebagainya.
- Penggunaan nominal singular dan plural secara tepat, dengan atau tanpa a, the, this,those, my, their dan sebagainya secara tepat dalam frasa nominal
- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi.
- Ejaan dan tanda baca
Konten pada materi ini dirangkum dan berbagai sumber yang digunakan untuk kegiatan pembelajaran yang disusun oleh Ningsih. S. Pd. I
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